Emphysema and chronic progressive pulmonary (lung) disorders, and all the symptoms associated with breathing problems. If you suffer from this disease, you will experience shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and may not be feeling winded on exertion. Because the disease can cause breathing problems, there is an excess of carbon dioxide in the body (because you can not breathe properly), and excess carbon dioxide will cause a health hazard. While signs of emphysema and chronic bronchitis are very similar, breathing problems emphysema is unique, and it is because prolonged exhalation. But the bit of information is that the life expectancy of emphysema can be very bad. But this, of course, depends on the stage of disease. Stages of Emphysema Stage 1 - is the initial stage emphysema. Spirometer readings between 70 and 80, and the chances of recovery are very good. Stage 2 - secondary stage emphysema. Spirometer read somewhere from 60 to 70, and the chances of justice. Stage 3 - This is the third stage emphysema. Spirometer readings ranged from 50 to 60 years and recovery can be difficult here. Stage 4 - This final stage emphysema. Spirometer readings between 35 and 40, and the chances of recovery are very small. As easily understood from the above, if the condition is diagnosed at an early stage, the treatment is certainly possible. However, these changes dramatically as the disease worsens and moves to more advanced stages. Thus, it is really very important that the symptoms are identified early and treatment. In other words, although emphysema may be incurable diseases, but life expectancy of emphysema can actually be good if the time to take action. Some people believe that life with emphysema can not be more than 5 years and in many cases it is even less than 1 year. But actually, this is really a joint statement, because if the disease is to identify and correct treatment started, the person can live much longer. But you must be ready to quit immediately because smoking is a major cause of disease. In care, because emphysema can affect you during pregnancy and even children. Understanding the symptoms of emphysema most common symptoms of this disorder breathing lasix 20 mg problems, which are also often referred to as dyspnea. Often people also suffer from coughing and wheezing. There may be some sputum from a cough too. The body may appear blue when someone is suffering from the disease - a condition known as cyanosis. Or maybe some excess mucus as well. In some cases, the affected person may also lose weight quickly. To increase the life expectancy of emphysema, doctors usually prescribe long-term oxygen therapy, also facilitates breathing problems. Small, convenient oxygen tanks can provide 24-hour supply of oxygen to oxygen lack emphysema patients. But the patient must act on the advice of a doctor. Sometimes antibiotics are also prescribed as well. Typically, antibiotics will not help, except for removal of any infection that might be there in the lungs. Some other treatments that can improve the life expectancy of emphysema include use broncholiators, and there is a slight reduction surgery. There are several alternative treatments, and that you can try. The disease affects people and animals as well, as your canine friend. You can tell your friends and family that the disease is not contagious, and ask them to help you. .
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