Friday, February 24, 2012

To fifty percent of the people, the destruction ...

One of the best treatment is prevention of osteoporosis. Recognizing the symptoms of osteoporosis can you say at what stage you are in relation to osteoporosis and be able to change your lifestyle accordingly

onset of osteoporosis usually begins in the thirties, and there is no way to know that this process begins, and even the use of X-ray technology does not allow to identify the symptoms of osteoporosis at this stage. Although it is impossible to detect osteoporosis in this age does not mean that you should not start taking preventive measures, especially for people who are in risk groups such as smokers, people with diet >> << and those whose families have a history of the disease. For people in this risk group is important that basic preventive measures such as healthy diet rich in calcium, weight bearing exercise program and, if necessary, to try to stop smoking >> << detection lasix online of osteoporosis usually occurs between the ages of 35 and 55. At this stage there are no external signs of disease, but

symptoms of osteoporosis can be detected by other methods. One way to detect osteoporosis at this stage is the X-ray. If you have X-ray may need to see a doctor if they can check for osteoporosis symptoms. However, you should know that the state does not usually detected only after 30% of bone mass has been lost! There are more effective methods than X-rays to detect osteoporosis internal symptoms, these include absorbtsiometrii photo and computer imaging, which measures. If you are diagnosed with symptoms of osteoporosis at this stage is a good idea to start treatment, such as hormone replacement therapy, we hope to minimize future risk of fractures. It often happens that the first time a person realizes that they are often without slipping or falling. These symptoms usually does not occur at an early stage of disease. Typically, the fracture heals and the pain recedes completely. At this stage it is important that osteoporosis is both detection and treatment. In more severe cases of osteoporosis fractures may occur, and deformation may occur during treatment. One of the symptoms that are often seen when fractures occur in the back, creating a strain on the treatment and leads to bent. This stage of chronic osteoporosis usually do not occur in people under the age of 55 years. To fifty percent of people who fracture a hip can not walk, like previous ones, and suffer much pain, many people may die within a few years after fracturing a hip. In summary, you may notice that symptoms of osteoporosis, often very difficult to detect, and often not visible from the outside, until very advanced state. .

Although fragility fractures are less common ...

Today, lack of awareness of osteoporosis and fractures in men the disease is similar to the lack of awareness of women 50 years ago. Men do not realize that the "silent epidemic," osteoporosis affects them and their bones become thinner, more porous and fragile in adulthood. Traditionally regarded as a disease of lasix furosemide women in the last decade that the loss of bone mass is also an inevitable consequence of aging in men finally appeared. Although fragility fractures are less common in men than in women when they occur, these cracks may be associated with higher morbidity and mortality than women. Overall, one in five men over age 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in the rest of life. Prolonged exposure to certain medications such as steroids used to treat asthma and arthritis, anticonvulsant drugs, some cancer treatments and aluminum containing antacids

chronic disease that affects the kidneys, lungs, stomach and intestine and hormone levels change

Low calcium intake throughout life a little less than half its weight of bone gained during growth at a young age is lost. This loss of bone as well as the number of missing women, but men compensate better by setting new bone on the outer surface of the bone as part of the natural process of bone remodeling. However, the addition of new bone on the outer surface does not fully compensate for the loss of bone on its inner surface and is one of five men over age 50 will have a bone fracture, which reduces their quality of life, and reduces the length of their life. Life risk of a person suffering osteoporotic fractures more than his chance of developing prostate cancer. In men with spinal fractures have less bone, shell and bone thin and porous. WordHex or sponge bone, which acts as a spring or shock absorber diluted, leading to cellular bone does "spring" of loss, so that when power is on the bone did not "give" a crack under load and may collapse completely , resulting in fracture of the spine. If there are fractures can be severe pain, loss of height, and severe curvature of the spine. If there is severe curvature may disrupt lung function and disrupt normal breathing. Only a handful of treatment of osteoporosis have been approved for use in men - others are not subjected to lengthy and expensive clinical trials are needed. Drugs have been less studied in men than in women with osteoporosis.strengthening immune system Currently, the most studied drug for men with a group of drugs bisphosphonates, alendronate. There is evidence for other drugs, such as ryzedronat and etidronat bone building drugs and parathyroid hormone, which makes new bone on the outer and inner surfaces of the bones, helping to restore the skeleton and go off in trabeculae (racks, plates) in the spongy bone. Testosterone increases bone density in men with low levels of male hormone. Calcium supplements have not been well studied in men, but probably should be entered in the men who make less than one gram of calcium per day. Osteoporosis is one of the most predotvratimyh diseases associated with aging. Drawing attention to bone health throughout life, from childhood, is the most effective way to build and maintain bone strength, thereby reducing bone loss and fragility that could lead to the first crack. Check for potential hazards in the home, such as poor lighting, clutter and slippery rugs

If osteoporosis was diagnosed, consider protective clothing, such as hip defenders. For more information about osteoporosis and men see. report IOF.

It seems that rudimentary, although some

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There are cases where a doctor may recommend surgery to remove the body. There are bodies with important functions without which we live, not as before remove them. More recently, tonsillectomy (tonsillectomy) and appendectomy in vogue procedure prevention not cure. If you do not need to remove the body for medical reasons, do not give what you have received from nature. Here are 5 bodies, we can not live without:

appendix (appendix) is a blind ended tube attached to the colon and is located in the right lower abdomen. It seems that rudimentary, although some doctors believe that the body immune system, protect the bacteria that are beneficial in the function of the colon. In most cases the application is removed in childhood. Surgical removal of the appendix is ​​called appendicitis and is usually performed when the patient is suffering from acute appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix). If untreated, appendicitis can lead to peritonitis and can be fatal. No Life program does not change dramatically, you just need to strengthen your immune system through healthy lifestyle. Gallbladder associated with liver hepatic duct is the organ that stores and concentrates bile (digestive fluid secreted liver). Gallbladder sends the intestine, between meals, substances released by the liver that are necessary for digestion. The operation to remove the gallbladder is called cholecystectomy. The most common reason for cholecystectomy is gallstones that are formed when the substances contained in bile crystallize in the gallbladder. More than 70% of people with gallstones never know they are and not feel any symptoms (pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, headache, dizziness, gas, etc.), but if you have suffered from gallstones , removal is usually recommended. After eradication, as gallbladder can store bile, bile enters the intestine, thereby slowing down the digestion process. Usually it is necessary to follow a strict diet. The spleen is located in the left upper quadrant under the diaphragm and protected left lower ribs. It is an important organ: it filters the blood and removes damaged red blood cells, bacteria and produces lymphocytes (white blood cells that help produce antibodies and immune system), it is also very sensitive. The spleen is a small body size of a small orange, but it can be increased by infection, cancer, spleen vein blockage, the disease that lead to abnormal red blood lasix drug side effects cells (sickle-cell anemia, thalassemia, sferotsytoz) and metabolic disorders (Niemann-Pick, Gaucher disease, Hurler syndrome). Surgical procedure that removes the spleen is called splenectomy. After removal there is an increased risk of infection and / or cardiovascular disease. Thyroid gland and thyroid gland located in front of the neck below the thyroid cartilage (kadyk) and is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body. It stores hormones that help regulate the rate at which food is converted into energy, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. Surgical removal of the thyroid gland called the thyroid gland and is usually performed when a patient has thyroid (hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, Graves' disease) or for cosmetic purposes. After eradication therapy of thyroid hormones necessary for the remaining life of the patient. Treatment should be as hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormone) appears after the removal and can lead to serious complications. Tonsils are clusters of tissue on both sides of the throat in a built-in pocket toward the sky. Tonsils are part of a protective enclosure, the immune system is very effective, especially for pathogens, which if inhaled or swallowed. When they become enlarged or inflamed (tonsillitis), they can be removed surgically in tonsillectomy. Despite the relatively simple procedure, tonsils is 2% to 4% incidence of postoperative bleeding through. When you do not have tonsils, there is a risk that the virus can easily penetrate the respiratory tract and cause serious diseases such as lung disease. Tonsillectomy in adults may be more painful than in children, and in some cases change the voice can be met. .

According to the american lung association, about 3.

Emphysema leads to permanent changes in the structure of the lungs, preventing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Smoking often causes emphysema, but in rare cases, heredity is a violation of the immune response. Symptoms in end stage emphysema can vary from person to person, however, severe shortness of breath, always first negative factor. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with chronic emphysema usually experience a permanent reduction in lung function, eventually leading to death. The most common cause of chronic respiratory disease of smoking, which causes toxic carcinogen bags lose shape. General treatments include inhalers, oxygen and even operations. There are special sim ... Emphysema lasix is rarely diagnosed in people aged 45 years, about 94 percent of people diagnosed with emphysema 45 years and older, according to the American Lung Association. As the condition progresses, symptoms

... According to the American Lung Association, about 3. 7000000 Americans have been diagnosed with emphysema

over time. Emphysema is a disease of the lungs, where the small air sacs in the lungs called alveoli are gradually destroyed, leavi ... It is a condition in which air sacs in the lungs get damaged. This can lead to breathlessness as the body is unable to get oxygen that it requires. For MayoClinic. com, smoking is the leading cause emphys ... Smoking remains a major cause of emphysema, although it can also occur through exposure to toxins at work or in the environment. Emphysema can be serious and lead to disability. To prevent complications is import ... Lung cancer can get most of the attention as a disease primarily caused by cigarette smoke, but also emphysema

gets back mostly from inhaling smoke. Classified as chronic obstructive pulmonary disea ... Man risk of emphysema increases with age and may be complicated by factors such as smoking or exposure to environmental pollution. If anyone develops any

emphysema signs and symptoms, they should talk with ... Lung cancer can be a disease often associated with smoking cigarettes, but this is not a single disease. Emphysema may precede or occur separately from lung cancer. For it is characterized by problems with exhalation ... The first step is to quit smoking because smoking is the leading cause of emphysema >>. << If you smoke or exposed to the impact of pollutants that are known to cause emphysema

You and your doctor should be seen in the morning with emphysema >> << ... Smoking is a major cause of emphysema. If you have a >> << emphysema, air sacs at the end of your smallest airways gradually corrupted and destroyed. In some cases, the mucus begins to form in the lungs, making it more dyf ... Emphysema is a chronic disease that in most cases could be prevented, because about 80 percent of cases caused by smoking cigarettes, according to Cedars Sinai. Emphysema is a respiratory disease that often holidays ... Emphysema is a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD. Smoking or exposure to smoke causes a number of

emphysema, according to Mayo Clinic. Symptoms

will vary from mild to severe, dependi ... Emphysema occurs when there is damage to air sacs in the lungs. The main cause of emphysema >> << smoke, but it can also be the result of pollution or certain chemicals. It is important to talk with your Doctor ... Other adverse effects of change of air, the patient can exhale. According to Cedars Sinai Medical Center site, early signs of emphysema >> << shortness of breath when active. Symptoms usually become progressi ... Finally, the destruction of air sacs results in larger pockets of holes littered the inner walls of the airways. Oxygen blocked from reaching the blood and air in the lungs of hard to avoid. There ... Emphysema is commonly called "the disease of smokers" because of its effect on the lungs. The disease steals your lungs of their ability to send or exhaled air damage bronchioles. This small airways connecting t ... .

While signs of emphysema and chronic ...

Emphysema and chronic progressive pulmonary (lung) disorders, and all the symptoms associated with breathing problems. If you suffer from this disease, you will experience shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and may not be feeling winded on exertion. Because the disease can cause breathing problems, there is an excess of carbon dioxide in the body (because you can not breathe properly), and excess carbon dioxide will cause a health hazard. While signs of emphysema and chronic bronchitis are very similar, breathing problems emphysema is unique, and it is because prolonged exhalation. But the bit of information is that the life expectancy of emphysema can be very bad. But this, of course, depends on the stage of disease. Stages of Emphysema Stage 1 - is the initial stage emphysema. Spirometer readings between 70 and 80, and the chances of recovery are very good. Stage 2 - secondary stage emphysema. Spirometer read somewhere from 60 to 70, and the chances of justice. Stage 3 - This is the third stage emphysema. Spirometer readings ranged from 50 to 60 years and recovery can be difficult here. Stage 4 - This final stage emphysema. Spirometer readings between 35 and 40, and the chances of recovery are very small. As easily understood from the above, if the condition is diagnosed at an early stage, the treatment is certainly possible. However, these changes dramatically as the disease worsens and moves to more advanced stages. Thus, it is really very important that the symptoms are identified early and treatment. In other words, although emphysema may be incurable diseases, but life expectancy of emphysema can actually be good if the time to take action. Some people believe that life with emphysema can not be more than 5 years and in many cases it is even less than 1 year. But actually, this is really a joint statement, because if the disease is to identify and correct treatment started, the person can live much longer. But you must be ready to quit immediately because smoking is a major cause of disease. In care, because emphysema can affect you during pregnancy and even children. Understanding the symptoms of emphysema most common symptoms of this disorder breathing lasix 20 mg problems, which are also often referred to as dyspnea. Often people also suffer from coughing and wheezing. There may be some sputum from a cough too. The body may appear blue when someone is suffering from the disease - a condition known as cyanosis. Or maybe some excess mucus as well. In some cases, the affected person may also lose weight quickly. To increase the life expectancy of emphysema, doctors usually prescribe long-term oxygen therapy, also facilitates breathing problems. Small, convenient oxygen tanks can provide 24-hour supply of oxygen to oxygen lack emphysema patients. But the patient must act on the advice of a doctor. Sometimes antibiotics are also prescribed as well. Typically, antibiotics will not help, except for removal of any infection that might be there in the lungs. Some other treatments that can improve the life expectancy of emphysema include use broncholiators, and there is a slight reduction surgery. There are several alternative treatments, and that you can try. The disease affects people and animals as well, as your canine friend. You can tell your friends and family that the disease is not contagious, and ask them to help you. .

The results of this study apply only to ...

We have found that low dose CT measurement of emphysema index slightly from the measurements obtained on standard dose scans. However, the average difference is less than 3% is probably small enough to be clinically insignificant in quantitative research

emphysema, which compares the differences or cohort estimates for sequential changes in the index of emphysema. Also >> <<, relations between the two types of measurements were linear, the slope of the linear regression shows together

correspondence. These observations show that in the range of radiation used in the subjects in this study

impacts have minimal effect on CT quantification of emphysema. Therefore, for practical purposes, the low dose and standard dose

CT indices of emphysema severity may be considered equivalent. One of the practical implications of these results is that the exact sequence of influence factors is not necessary at CT

used for comparative studies of emphysema. This conclusion is in contrast to the differences related to the thickness of the slice [,,,

] and reconstruction filter [], which can make a significant impact on the index of emphysema. As long as the last two variables remain unchanged, valid comparison

cohorts, which influence factors are not fixed, it must be possible. Significant changes in emphysema indexes between low-and standard dose CT was found in some individual items

in this study, as shown inches difference in lung volume of these items during CT accounted for most of this change. Volume light, or >> << degree inspiration CT is widely recognized as the most important factor that affects CT measurement of emphysema [

]. In ideal conditions, a standard method to achieve consistent lung volume should be used. Because spirometry control

lung volume is usually bulky and not widely known, most researchers to standardize the volume of lung to coaching actors

- will breathe easy. In this retrospective study, CT was performed on quantitative emphysema

so it was not a promising attempt to optimize the sequence of inhalation levels. Thus, the effect of lung was

carefully studied. Although there was no statistically significant difference in CT-measured volume of lung to group all items >> << trend toward increasing lungs were found at low dose scan compared with standard-dose scans. Such great inspiration >> << volume may constitute or contribute to an increase in emphysema index. Multivariate analyzes showed that lung volume was the only variable

with a significant impact on differences in emphysema indexes between low and standard dose scans. However, when we

eliminated the influence of differences of the lungs, repeating the comparison using only cases in which the difference >> << lung volume was 3% or less, the picture above emphysema index on low dose scans stored despite the differences were less

.good foods for immune system The effect of irradiation dose in emphysema index is supported by finding more >> << difference between the mean and standard low dose emphysema indexes in patients with a higher ratio of standard dose, low dose irradiation. The results of this study are similar to the results of more limited studies [], in which 20-80% reduction in CT milliamperage compared to some other level of re-scanning. Using 2 mm thick slice,

authors found an increase in emphysema index (-960 H threshold) with a reduction in radiation, and 3. 6% among

patients with emphysema index of less than 30%. Possible effects of lung volume were not considered. We found no clear trend

associated with the magnitude of emphysema index (such as emphysema severity). The optimal threshold for determining the attenuation of emphysema thickness cut is used for scanning in this study is uncertain. Although the threshold of -910 H for 10-mm thick, contiguous, contrast scans [

] and -950 H for unenhanced 1. 0-mm cubes each received 10 mm [

] has been shown to most accurately reflect the amount of emphysema present on histological analysis of samples of lung, >> << optimal threshold of 5 mm thick scanning has been defined. Given the results of previous studies, however, is

It is likely that the optimal threshold for defining emphysema with standard dose, 5 mm, scanning between -950 and -910 H. The link

band can not quite comparable, so as the standard dose in this study were approximately half the dose >> << used in one of exile studies [

] (report of another study showing no link impacts). In addition, the report links

research is not specified reconstruction algorithm used. For these reasons, the effect of dose reduction lasix 15 mg on weakening

frequencies were evaluated at several thresholds damping. Average emphysema at a low dose remained

a bit, but always above all attenuation thresholds. There were some limitations of this study. One is that the retrospective, so variables are not precisely controlled. In a prospective study in which subjects were consecutive images at low and standard doses in the same scanner with

verbal coaching to obtain reproducible inspiratory breath holds would be better, but would require additional radiation >> << . Since the reconstruction filters for 4-MSCT and 16-MSCT scanners are used in this study, technically equivalent

(M. Milite, H. Vestner, Research and Development Group, Siemens Medical Solutions, personal communication) and that scanner

type was not a factor in multivariable models, we believe, scanner type affected the comparisons. Another limitation

that low-and standard dose scan compared were obtained after an average duration of 3 months. Although we

nothing is known about long-term studies addressing imaging rate emphysema progression, it is unlikely for

actual number emphysema change significantly in this interval. Although lung volume increases over time as emphysema progresses,

we do not believe that this change is a factor, given the trend towards larger volume of low-dose scans that were obtained in the first

almost all cases. Finally, our study does not give reasons for the small differences found. Measurement of air

and blood attenuation obtained for this study and daily checks water phantom for clinical quality

exclude improper calibration drift of the scanner and the decrease of value as an explanation, measurement SD medium attenuation


) confirmed the expected relationship in which noise is reduced depending on the square root of the increase in radiative forcing

(for example, the action twice, SD decreases by the square root of 2) [,

]. The results of this study apply only to the effective tube current values ​​in the range 30-250 wt. Effect more >> << lower doses is unknown. It is likely that the critical effective tube current level or range below which there

signal to noise insufficient for accurate measurement index of emphysema. Effect of lower doses reconstructed

thickness of cut, which would increase noise levels for low-dose and standard dose scans are often unknown. Research

isolated lung or animal models with the same scanner and a few doses and thickness of the cut would be useful for determining

effect of low doses and a smaller slice thickness. Without this information, yet recognizable, that reconstruction

methods should be constantly in comparative studies of quantitative CT emphysema. We believe that in addition to its potential value as a tool for early detection of lung cancer, low-dose MSCT has great potential value >> << for quantitative studies of emphysema. Differences in emphysema index by doses of radiation were found

should be minimal. Although statistically significant, these differences may be a little clinical significance, especially

due to changes due to differences in lung volume that can occur. So much more important to try to optimize the sequence

breath effort to minimize changes due to technical factors. Clinical >> << acceptability of CT mainly quantified emphysema is likely to be more low-dose technique, because in fact

reduce radiation exposure. Possible areas of application include the studied transverse and longitudinal research to learn more about

interaction between cigarette smoking and other risk factors, genotype-phenotype relations, Natural History

, early stages of emphysema in young smokers, and individual rates of emphysema progression. Low dose scan also

potential value in clinical trials, evaluation of pharmacological therapy for emphysema as an alternative to the standard dose methods

have been used [<< >>] and can help determine the appropriate point to start any pharmacological intervention was effective. . << >>

Another method is called tdr or time separated

Let perenesemosya in excellent new study. Do take before bedtime actually better anabolic effect than in other feeding schedules? Since the original document which shows that the net balance of leucine during the seven-hour period was more positive than casein, whey, people prefer to take casein before bed because of its slow digestion properties. Let perenesemosya in excellent new study. Scientists have hypothesized that during long workouts with weights, taking time to share a picture based on casein supplements >> << would be more effective than the same supplement immediately before each workout. This puts an interesting spin on nutrient time.

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In the crossover study in 13 men aged 18 to 19 were evaluated for two well-controlled, eight weeks of training and supplement periods. That's what they did. Using the TFR, as they call time-oriented additive mode, subjects have applications in the morning and afternoon, just before their workout. Another method is called TDR or time separated additives, which included the morning dose, the second dose in the evening, by 5:00 after a workout. The daily dose contains about 70 grams

(82 per cent casein) and less than one gram of carbohydrates and fats. The result? The researchers measured many things, including weight, body composition and one repetition maximum for

and sit-ups before and after eight weeks order lasix of training and supplement periods. Of course, training is a significant increase in force as at 1PM

(9. 4 percent and 7. 2 percent) and squat (10. 7 percent and 17. 8 percent) in the TFR and TDR, respectively, without significant differences between the two modes. However, this, my friends in exciting, fat-free mass increased by 2. 4 pounds of TDR, while no change was evident in the TFR. I could not predict that. I'd assumed that the method of TFR in the morning, afternoon and preworkout, would be higher because preworkout component. It seems that the distance from the consumption of casein and take it before bedtime, however, may be the best strategy. I propose to make quick, such as serum, pre-and / or postexercise, and taking casein before bed. This is the best of all strategies. In any case, the study throws sticks in nutrient synchronization strategy is that different proteins can actually add other than, for example, whey may be better for before and after training, while casein is best at night. Editor's Note: Jose Antonio, Ph.D., is CEO of the International Society of Sports

(www. theissn Org.) And is a consultant sports science VPX / Redline. Boirie, Yu et al. (1997). Slow and fast diet proteins differently modulate postprandial >> << accretion. Proceedings of the Natl Izd AN U.S.. 94 (26) :14930-14935. Burke, A. et al. (2009). Hours divided picture based on casein supplement

stimulates increased fat-free body mass during weight training in untrained young men. Nutr Res. 29 (6) :405-413. .

Testosterone can be

Introduction: The male hormone testosterone, steroids are repsonsible for

build muscles in men. Since this is a well known fact

athletes trying to take more testoserone or other similar substances

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Androstenedione was first developed in 1970 by East Germany

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